Article explains with source code, how easily you can convert a text string to an image with Laravel and intervention image package.
Intervention | Laravel | PHP
Article explains with source code, how easily you can convert a text string to an image with Laravel and intervention image package.
Intervention | Laravel | PHP
A complete tutorial to import latitude longitude via PHP / CURL from
Curl | PHP | Programming
A custom function based on carbon date that returns first and last date of week of an year.
A function with formula to get percentage value from a discounted price with PHP.
Mathematics | Percentage | PHP | Programming
Step by step MongoDB installation on WAMP and configuration with PHP.
Database | Installation | Mongodb | PHP | wamp
A custom function to calculate difference between a starting and ending time..
Minute | PHP | Programming | Time
Function based on preg, counts total number of words in a given string, text or paragraph.
PHP | preg_grep | preg_split | Programming | Word
This custom made function removes all non alpha numeric characters from a string..
PHP | preg_replace | Programming | String
A custom php function to remove all style tags from a string..
Format | PHP | preg_replace | Programming | Replace | String
lastModified() returns last modified date & time of a file.
Date | File | File System | PHP | Programming | Time
function dirSize() returns the total size / used space of a directory folder.
Directory | File System | PHP | Programming
This script is written to write an email file with format .eml. The produced file includes complete email file headers..
Email | PHP | Programming
The script can make or produce any type of downloadable file that will be available instantly..
File | PHP | Programming
maskCreditCard() masks credit card number with X except last four digits..
Credit Card | Mask | PHP | Programming | String
Replace all repeated spaces, newlines, tabs with a single space or supplied replacement string..
PHP | preg_replace | Programming | String
isLeapYear() accepts integer year and returns true if it is a leap year else it returns false..
Date | PHP | Programming | Year
getWeekDay() returns weekday from a date after accepting valid date as argument..
Date | Day | PHP | Web Development | Week
getMonthFromWeek() returns name of the month after accepting year and week number..
Month | PHP | Programming | Week
getLongDate() returns long formatted date after accepting date as parameter..
Date | Format | PHP | Programming
getAge() is a custom written function that returns the age from a given date..
Age | Date | PHP | Programming
Function replaceTags() replaces text, string or content between 2 given points. This is a great function if you are working with tempaltes..
PHP | preg_quote | preg_replace | Programming | String
Function findString() finds a string between 2 tags or points. function accepts 3 parameters..
PHP | preg_match_all | preg_quote | Programming | Search | String
Simply, pass a number value to function getMonth() to get name of the month. For example if you pass 10 to this function then output will be "October"..
Month | PHP | Programming
Function getDatesBetween2Dates() returns all dates between 2 dates. you just need to pass 2 date parameters to this function..
Date | PHP | Programming
Function generateSlug() generates seo friendly url slug after receiving a string parameter. All unsupported url characters are removed from the string automatically..
average() is a custom made php function that accepts array of numbers as parameter and returns the average..
Average | Mathematics | PHP | Programming
Custom made PHP function vat() to calculate vat and adding it in total price. Value and percentage value argument can be passed to this function.
Mathematics | Percentage | PHP | Programming | VAT
Working with php and checkboxes.
Checkbox | Field | Form | HTML | PHP | Programming | Web Development
A php script to search a file name in a folder..
File | File System | PHP | Programming | Search | String
Simple script to fetch mysql table records with php..
Calculate total records of mysql table with simple php script..
Database | MySql | PHP | Programming | SQL
Get total fields in mysql table with custom made php script..
A custom written php code to show field length of a mysql database table..
List all field names of mysql table using custom written script..
Search if mysql table exists with custom php / mysql script. Finding a mysql table with php..
Function minToHour accepts hours and minutes as parameters and convert it to hours. This is a cool PHP function to convert minutes into hours..
Hour | Minute | PHP | Programming
isValidUrl() is a custom made php function that uses preg_match function to check if supplied string valus is a valid url or not.
PHP | preg_match | Programming | String | URL | Validation | Web Development
isValidEmail() is a custom made php function that use preg_match. This function checks if passed string is a valid email address or not.
Email | PHP | preg_match | Programming | String | Validation | Web Development
isValidFloat() is custom php function that use preg_match function of php to determine if a value is a valid float or not.
generatePassword () is custom designed php function to generate random password, random string or random verification code. the length of password or code can also be defined by passing integer length parameter.
PHP | Programming | Random | String | Web Development
Function count_days() is designed to calculate the difference between 2 dates. 2 date arguments are can be passed to this function to calculate total number of days between 2 given dates..
Date | PHP | Programming | Web Development
With function GetFutureDate(), the date after x number of days can be calculated since a specific date. Just pass a date and an integer argument to this function to see the date..
Date | PHP | Programming