Convert a text string to proper case with jquery javascript.
Javascript | JQuery | Programming | String
Convert a text string to proper case with jquery javascript.
Javascript | JQuery | Programming | String
Convert a text string to title case with online text to proper case converter.
Convert a paragraph to upper case with online upper case converter.
Convert a paragraph to lower case with online lower case converter.
This custom made function removes all non alpha numeric characters from a string..
PHP | preg_replace | Programming | String
A custom php function to remove all style tags from a string..
Format | PHP | preg_replace | Programming | Replace | String
maskCreditCard() masks credit card number with X except last four digits..
Credit Card | Mask | PHP | Programming | String
Replace all repeated spaces, newlines, tabs with a single space or supplied replacement string..
PHP | preg_replace | Programming | String
Function replaceTags() replaces text, string or content between 2 given points. This is a great function if you are working with tempaltes..
PHP | preg_quote | preg_replace | Programming | String
Function findString() finds a string between 2 tags or points. function accepts 3 parameters..
PHP | preg_match_all | preg_quote | Programming | Search | String
Function generateSlug() generates seo friendly url slug after receiving a string parameter. All unsupported url characters are removed from the string automatically..
A php script to search a file name in a folder..
File | File System | PHP | Programming | Search | String
isValidUrl() is a custom made php function that uses preg_match function to check if supplied string valus is a valid url or not.
PHP | preg_match | Programming | String | URL | Validation | Web Development
isValidEmail() is a custom made php function that use preg_match. This function checks if passed string is a valid email address or not.
Email | PHP | preg_match | Programming | String | Validation | Web Development
generatePassword () is custom designed php function to generate random password, random string or random verification code. the length of password or code can also be defined by passing integer length parameter.
PHP | Programming | Random | String | Web Development